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Policy and Procedure Development

At Moore Australia, we work alongside you to ensure your policies and procedures support and enable your company’s success.
Your policies and procedures are the rules by which your organisation operates. They communicate and define roles, responsibilities and accountabilities, providing employees with a guideline for acceptable behaviour which allows them to do their jobs while working within the parameters of your company’s risk appetite.
At Moore Australia, we can ensure your organisation’s policies and procedures lay the foundation for your company’s ongoing success. Whether you need new guidelines drafted to reflect an operational or technology change, or need to synthesise the policies of two organisations following an acquisition or merger, we can help you to develop and embed an approach that makes sure everyone is working towards the same goal.
We’re specialists at developing policies that are relevant, straightforward and concise. We can support you with a framework to regularly communicate and reinforce your policies to your employees, and build a strong policy and procedure focus into your induction process.    
Our broad sector expertise allows us to benchmark your current approach and suggest best-practice improvements to boost the effectiveness of your policies and procedures.
You’ll also have access to international risk assurance specialists from our vast global network which has offices in over 100 countries.